Network Spinal Care
“It’s never about the circumstance. The kink in my neck is never about me sleeping funny. It’s about my relationships, and if I can have that self-awareness, and tap back into my power, it’s life-changing.”
Network Spinal Care is Chiropractic Care.
Our gentle approach helps your nervous system move from stress/defense to connection. Much like tuning an instrument or upgrading the operating system on your smartphone.
Our sessions are called Entrainments.
Entrainments help the nervous system, spine, and body connect and release tension, self regulate and build energy, learn and evolve to align with a more authentic expression of you in your life.
“Your spine and nervous system are the filter through which you experience your life.
When there is not enough available energy to adapt, your nervous system goes into defense and braces. This is designed to be a temporary response.
To live your life with your nervous system under tension and in defense, in a state of stress, is extraordinarily inefficient and ultimately leads to breakdown.”