Your Journey Starts Here

It is no coincidence that you found us. It is no coincidence that you are here at this moment in your life. We invite you on a journey that will uplift not only your life, but the lives of those you come in contact with daily. We know it because we see it every day.
— Aidan K.

The first step is to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Aidan.

Process of Care


It’s helpful to think of Network of Care as a learning process for your body vs a treatment process.

Unlike going to a traditional chiropractor and receiving an adjustment that realigns your spine, each Entrainment session your nervous system learns a little more about how to self-regulate stress in the body.

We have chapters of care.

Should you decide to start care with Verve, you will begin with Chapter 1: Connect & Release, and a commitment to 12 sessions, called Entrainments.

During this 12 visit immersion, your body and nervous system undergo a profound reset from stress to ease


Verve Wellness Map - click to enlarge


Chapter 1:

Connect and Release
4 week immersion 


During Chapter 1 you will develop the ability to use your breath, energy, and movement, through your spine, to connect and release tension from your joints, muscles and spinal cord. 

Not only do these strategies allow you to find relief when you are in pain, but to truly connect and unwind the stress patterns in the body that are connected to the pain.

What To Expect:

  • You will notice areas of pain soften, change and open

  • You will experience more ease and flexibility in your spine

  • You will notice an increased awareness and capacity of breath

  • You will gain an increased awareness of posture

  • You will notice an increased awareness of body sensations and emotions

  • You will recognize areas of your body, which you usually don’t feel/are offline, waking up

  • You will experience a growing awareness of what you need and what your body is asking for


Beyond Chapter 1:

You can see in the Verve Wellness Map above, there are 4 chapters of care at Verve.

Growth and healing are continuous and tend to move in cycles. Some clients work with us for only one chapter. Each chapter has a unique focus and develops unique spinal strategies. At the end of a chapter, you’ll have the opportunity to consult with Dr. Aidan on how best to move forward.

Many continue on to Chapter 2 and beyond. The decision is yours, and Dr. Aidan will help you discover which chapters meet your goals for your health, wellbeing and life.